Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Skin Food Foodtherapy Stick Perfume

2 komentar:

  1. OMG! I gotta say i LOVE your blog layout, very different than most of the blogs that leaning more toward cute japanese/korean style! Your blog is very soothing zen-like! Ok now onto my real comment: I have tried the Elizabeth Arden green tea line (the body lotion) and while i like the smell its just too fragranced for body lotion, but this Skin food brand (if it has similar scent) might be a great idea since it is in the form of a solid perfume! I might try it :D Great post!

  2. well thank you very much dear, first aku emang bukan tipe kawaii yang seleranya pinky cute and what else, hehe
    yes ! aku jg punya elizabeth arden body lotion, wanginya malah menurut aku berubah daripada wangi yang perfume nya, jadi kurang suka :(

    aku lebih suka skinfood ini deh, mudah dibawa kemana mana kecil dan ga berat kayak liquid perfume

    thanks for comment ya!
